“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope,” Jeremiah 29:11

New Living Translation

Dear Christian woman, do you carry guilt, shame, the not-enoughs?

Are you driven by anxiety, expectations, insecurity, busyness?

Heal Emotional Roots to:

Say goodbye to: ~ fearing criticism & judgement ~ worries ~ appeasing others ~ waiting for that next bad thing ~ stressful relationships ~ avoiding conflict ~ fearing abandonment or rejection ~ feeling it's all on you

R-E-N-E-W Program + Simple, Proven 5-Step Process for:

Easier decision-making

Renewed time & energy, no longer lost to anxiety

Clearer, quieter, more focused mind, not consumed by what-ifs, doubts, & busyness

Loving relationships with healthy boundaries & trust

Emotional regulation, no longer controlled or held hostage by them

An identity focused & centered on Christ, not based on what you do or how you look or feel about yourself

Freedom to step into authenticity, calm, confident, & empowered

Gain Confidence to Embrace & Trust in Christ's Love for you

What are you waiting for?

Sherry, close-up, purple background

“I grew up in an alcoholic home; anxiety, fears, & insecurities were my normal; I dropped out of college and was in an unhealthy relationship for nearly 30 years. Yet that wasn't the end of my story. Your story isn't over either."


Heal using R-E-N-E-W

You'll love my step-by-step, iterative, holistic R-E-N-E-W method. It was life changing for me, and I use it in all my coaching, speaking, and writing. It's simple, proven, flexible to your specific healing goals, and highly effective.

It puts you in charge with tools & techniques to embrace your past, present, & future.
R-E-N-E-W came from my extensive advanced education, 10+ years as a trauma therapist (former), neuroscience, my own ongoing healing journey, and the Bible. It's all intertwined.

Gain Confidence to Embrace & Trust in Christ's Love for you

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will," Romans 12:2

New International Version

free gift

You must get my Resource Guide

"No More Avoiding Conflict and Not Speaking Up for Yourself"

This is a step-by-step guide

using my R-E-N-E-W method.

You'll Love your results.

Start to Heal using R-E-N-E-W Now

Fill out the form,

and I'll send this Guide to you right away

R-E-N-E-W Program

Short 12-weeks from Negative Self-Talk, Insecure, Not-Enoughs, & More to

Authentic, Christ-centered, Calm, Confident, & Empowered

R-E-N-E-W Basics

  • Powerful videos

  • Transformative topics

  • Carefully crafted support materials & resources

  • New topics with videos & materials each week for 12-weeks

  • Self-paced per week

R-E-N-E-W Signature Program

All of R-E-N-E-W Basics and So Much More!

  • Customized to your needs & goals

  • Individualized coaching and support in a group setting

  • Coaching available three (3) set times each week

  • Attend coaching as often as you wish

  • Connect with a small group of like-minded Christian women

  • Learn you are not alone

  • Discover your story brings healing to someone else

Guaranteed Results!

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? ... Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work ... And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers ..., He will certainly care for you," Matthew 6:26-30 (condensed)

New Living Translation

"... I am back to finding the joy in my days . Which all in turn makes me a better parent, friend, employee and more! Thank you so much, Sherry!"

woman headshot


single mom, business woman

"... she helped me to put my anxious thoughts in perspective, and she gave me practical, actionable suggestions for coping with and overcoming them."

woman headshot


wife, mom, educator, cancer survivor

" ... Truly, my life was spiraling ... and I wanted things to be different for my kids ... Sherry has been by my side every step of the way navigating all of this, without judgement, and giving me the support and power that I so desperately needed."

woman headshot

H. Colabucci,

divorced, mom to teens, former chronic pain sufferer

Why Wait?

Your time to Heal using R-E-N-E-W is now

My Approach & R-E-N-E-W


Iterative, Proven, Step-by-step,

Trauma- & Neuroscience-informed



Grow awareness, without judgement, of your emotions and mindsets. Learn to see them as information; not good or bad, not right or wrong, and not facts.
Emotions & mindsets show up in how you talk about yourself, react to conflicts, handle relationships, and in your concept of Christ.



Intentionally shift from worried, uncertain, intense to Calm using Simple, Neuroscience-based methods; such as: Deep Stretch; Drink Ice-Cold Water; Chew a Strong Mint or Cinnamon.
These methods teach and settle your nervous system to allow clearer thinking, better problem-solving.



Change your mindsets rooted in emotional hurts, like those from "R", into new, more accurate inner stories and mindsets that empower and uplift you.

Courageously face & uncover the cost to you to continue to avoid, worry, fear, feel not enough. Grow & practice Christ-centered mindsets & self-stories.



Uncover the roots of emotional hurts from "R" & "N" for deep healing and to limit their influence. Dig deep to identify their origins then do the emotional work that is needed, such as grieving tremendous losses and, most significantly, learning to love who you are in Christ.



Build each step into your day-to-day life, practice them daily so unhelpful ways are broken and replaced with these transformative habits. Watch as your Identity as Authentic, Christ-centered Calm, Confident, & Empowered self radiates into every area of your life

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